Autumn 2006 Volume VIII

This is an image taken by Michael A. McAdams during a trip to the Zona Arqueológico Boca de Potrerillos in  Mina, Nuevo León, México in the Spring of 2003.   This site is located approximately 60 kilometers from Monterrey and about 14 kilometers from Mina. This is one of thousands of petrogylphs in the area  The site functioned as a natural Stonehenge and was a major religious site for the nomadic peoples of this area for over 8,000 years.  The most definitive book on this this site is by Dr. William Breen Murray of the Universidad de Monterrey and  can be ordered through It is also available at the Museo Bernabé de las Casas in Mina. (A highly recommended museum and should not be missed if you visit the archeological zone.)

I would recommend the following links if you would like more information:

It was speculated by Lewis Mumford that religious sites were the basis of cites.  How did ancient peoples make the leap from well-developed religious sites to cities?  How much did the development of agriculture contribute to the establishment of cities? There is no evidence, thus far, of a permanent settlement near the site of Boca de Potrerillos Further to the south, well established cites were established such as Teotihuacán, but much later.  Although  advanced cultures are generally associated with the development of cities, the findings at Boca de Potrerillos would seem to indicate that they can develop independent of the development of cities.  These concepts deserve additional study and investigation. If anyone has addition thoughts about these issues, please post them on the newly established Urbana blog.   Articles related to these topics would also be welcome.